Candidates requesting endorsement of the Utah State Progressive Caucus must complete our policy questionnaire to be granted the opportunity to make your case to caucus members. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Office You are Seeking... *Federal, State, City or other political officeName *FirstLastEmail *Campaign Phone Number *Campaign Website URL *Have you completed the Black Lives Matter Utah Chapter Candidate Survey? *YesNoIf yes, your name needs to appear on this list of candidate survey responses. If no, your application for endorsement will not be considered. Click here to complete the survey. Have you read our Caucus Platform?If not, please click here to read our Caucus Platform before responding to the following Yes/No questions...Do you espouse our Caucus values in regards to Heathcare? *YesNoDo you espouse our Caucus values in regards to Air Quality and the Environment? *YesNoDo you espouse our Caucus values in regards to Housing? *YesNoDo you espouse our Caucus values in regards to Reproductive Justice? *YesNoDo you espouse our Caucus values in regards to Jobs/Labor? *YesNoDo you espouse our Caucus values in regards to Education? *YesNoDo you espouse our Caucus values in regards to Tax Policy? *YesNoDo you espouse our Caucus values in regards to Rights of the Disabled? *YesNoDo you espouse our Caucus values in regards to Racial Justice? *YesNoDo you espouse our Caucus values in regards to Immigration? *YesNoDo you espouse our Caucus values in regards to Criminal Justice? *YesNoDo you espouse our Caucus values in regards to Campaign Finance? *YesNoThank you for taking the time to complete this survey seeking the endorsement of the Utah State Progressive Caucus. If you have answered "No" to any of the platform values above, your application will not be considered.CommentSubmit