General Caucus Meeting Minutes – 15 June 2021

Utah State Democratic Progressive Caucus General Membership Meeting Meeting Minutes

The meeting is conducted via Zoom.

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm by Elizabeth Payne, Chair Terri Marshal Gilfillan moved to approve provisional minutes from 22 April 2020 General Membership caucus meeting, seconded by Emily Olsen, approved.


Angel Hayes Vice announced that she is running for Millcreek City Council, District


Emily Olsen led a discussion regarding the 22 June 2021 General Membership meeting that is held in conjunction with State Convention. The meeting will begin at 5:00 pm. (The hours between 6:00 and 9:00 have been kept open at the request of the Utah Democratic Party Executive Committee.)

  • An email will be sent to all caucus membership registered at the Caucus website.
  • Candidates wishing an endorsement from the caucus need to apply using the form supplied on the website to answer survey questions. The completed forms will be posted on the website.

Terri Marshal Gilfillan gave some background on the work that went into the Caucus Platform. Emily Olsen presented the proposed platform, and it is posted on the Caucus website. Hypertext will be added to the platform with links to comments and background information. Emily moved to establish a two-month period for Caucus members to comment and recommend changes. Seconded by Mitchell. Terri suggested a friendly amendment to the motion to limit the period to one month. The amended motion was passed by the Caucus. Other work on the Platform was tabled.

Emily Olsen presented the proposed Caucus Bylaws revisions. The changed text was highlighted in three different colors for each type of revision: substantive policy, clarification, and grammatical. The revised bylaws are posted on the Caucus webpage.

Joe Bycroft proposed changing Article IV, striking the phrase “is prohibited”, as it is confusing and redundant. That change was approved by the Caucus.

Jennifer Miller-Smith suggested clarifying the language regarding Article V, the General Membership Meetings to allow flexibility for setting the date for the meeting associated with the Utah Democratic Party Convention. Emily moved to allow a fourteen-day period prior to the convention including the day of the convention. Motion was seconded by Terri. The change was approved by the Caucus.

There was a discussion of the changes to Article VIII and the changes are approved by the Caucus.

Terri Marshal Gilfillan moved to suspend the rules and approve the revised Bylaws without a second reading. The motion was seconded by Mitchell and the motion passed.

Terri Marshal Gilfillan moved to accept and approve the revised Bylaws. Second by Angel Hayes Vice. The motion passed and the Bylaws are approved.

Discussed the agenda for the June 22, 2021 General Membership Meeting

  • Three minutes will be allotted for each candidate (UDP and municipal) wishing to address the Caucus.
  • There will be Caucus Committee Chair reports (platform and bylaws).
  • Endorsement votes by ranked-choice.

Motion to adjourn by Angel Hayes Vice seconded by many and motion passed. The meeting was adjourned.