- Approve Meeting Minutes from November 22, 2021 meeting
- Announcements
- Review and discussion of proposed Mission Statement for caucus that will appear on UDP website:
- Advancing Democratic Progressive political policy throughout Utah by way of a strong grassroots network to enact policies that promote social justice and equity for all people by:
- Improving wages and working conditions for the middle and lower classes.
- Removing racism and other forms of discrimination from housing, health care, employment, education, and criminal justice.
- Supporting candidates and elected officials who espouse Democratic Progressive values.
- Advancing Democratic Progressive political policy throughout Utah by way of a strong grassroots network to enact policies that promote social justice and equity for all people by:
- Efforts to submit op-eds to local newspapers
- Legislation on our radar discussion
- Additional business
- Scheduling of next General Membership Meeting
- Adjournment
General Membership Meeting Agenda – January 10 @ 7PM via ZOOM