HB0022 | Medical Examiner Amendments | Nelson, Merrill F. | Requires the chief medical examiner to investigate deaths resulting directly from actions of a law enforcement officer and establishes a criminal penalty if false information is provided to the chief medical examiner. |
HB0025 | Mental Health Protections for First Responders | Kwan, Karen | Extends the Mental Health Protections for First Responders Workgroup until 2025 and will address the following: improving a first responder’s accessibility to mental health treatment, and other issues related to worker’s compensation for first responders. |
HB0044 | CCJJ Reporting Requirements | Miles, Kelly B. | Requires the State Commission on Criminal and juvenile Justice to make an annual progress report on the following: ensuring oversight and accountability; supporting local corrections systems; improving and expanding reentry and treatment services; and strengthening probation and parole supervision. |
HB0059S01 | Law Enforcement Investigation Amendments | Stoddard, Andrew | Provides criminal penalties for a law enforcement officer and a prosecutor to duplicate, share, copy or display an intimate image, except in specified circumstances. |
HB0062S02 | Post Certification Amendments | Stoddard, Andrew) | Adds additional grounds for suspending or revoking the certification of a peace officer or to issue a Letter of Caution, including conduct involving dishonesty or deception, and a violation of the employer’s use of force policy. |
HB0084 | Use of Force Reporting Requirements | Romero, Angela | Requires that local law enforcement report the use of force by an officer to the Federal Bureau of Criminal Identification. |
HB0087 | Electronic Information and Data Privacy Amendments | Hall, Craig | Requires, with certain exceptions, law enforcement agencies to obtain a warrant for electronic data or information transmitted through an electronic communication service, except for data from the National Center for Missing or Exploited Children. |
HB0101S03 | Prohibited Persons Amendments | Stoddard, Andrew | Provides a process for surrendering a firearm after an individual becomes a restricted person. |
HB0162S01 | Peace Officer Training Amendments | Romero, Angela | Requires a peace officer’s annual training to include training on: mental health and crisis intervention responses; arrest control; and de-escalation training. |
HB0237S03 | Lethal Force Amendments | Dailey-Provost, Jennifer | Requires a peace officer in certain situations to have a reasonable belief that the use of lethal force is both reasonable and necessary. |
HB0248 | Mental Health Support Program for First Responders | Kwan, Karen | Requires the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health to administer a grant program to provide mental health resources for first responders. |
HB0260S04 | Criminal Justice Modifications | Lisonbee, Karianne | Prohibits the Office of State Debt Collection from assessing interest on certain accounts receivables; amends provisions on interest, fees, and other amounts charged by the Office of State Debt Collection; and amends provisions regarding a restitution request from the Office for Victims of Crime; among other things |
HB0334 | Special Needs Training for Law Enforcement Amendments | Eliason, Steve | This bill requires peace officer training to include training on autism spectrum disorder and other mental illnesses. |
HB0345 | School Resource Officers Amendments | Hollins, Sandra | This bill amends provisions relating to a local education agency’s ability to contract with a law enforcement agency for school resource officer services. |
SB0013S02 | Law Enforcement Internal Investigation Requirements | Iwamoto, Jani | Requires that an employing agency notify the Peace Officer Standards and Training Division if a peace officer separates from the agency while an investigation is in progress; requires that the agency investigation be turned over to the division under certain circumstances. |
SB0038 | K-9 Policy Requirements | Thatcher, Daniel W. | Enacts the Law Enforcement Canine Team Certification Act that will require the annual certification and training of dogs and handlers; it also amends the liability provision for dog bites. |
SB0068 | Law Enforcement Weapons Amendments | Buxton, David G. | This bill creates a program to fund the purchase of technology and equipment to assist law enforcement agencies in investigating officer-involved critical incidents when a firearm is involved. |
SB0098 | Asset Forfeiture Amendments | Weiler, Todd | Clarifies provisions related to the seizure and forfeiture of property and contraband – provides that law enforcement agencies have 30 days to process seized cash or negotiable instruments and requires certification of asset forfeiture specialists. |
SB0102S01 | Peace Officer Training Qualifications Amendments | Mayne, Karen | Permits lawful permanent residents who meet certain requirements to apply to become peace officers. |
SB0106 | Use of Force Amendments | Thatcher, Daniel W. | Establish minimum certification qualifications of use of force for all peace officers in the state and annually review and update the standards based on the most current information and best practices. |
SB0109S01 | Emergency Services Amendments | Harper, Wayne A. | Directs the State Emergency Medical Services Committee to establish certification requirements; amends the background check requirements for certified individuals; and addresses the certification and accreditation authority of the Utah Fire Prevention Board. |
SB0159 | Law Enforcement Data Management Requirements | Anderegg, Jacob L. | Requires the Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice to assemble a panel of professionals and experts to study and make recommendations regarding the collection and management of public safety data throughout the state; requires the Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice to report on the panel’s findings and recommendations to the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Interim Committee |
SB0191S02 | Law Enforcement Modifications | Bramble, Curtis S. | Establishes a process and requirements for certification of a law enforcement agency established by a private institution of higher education (a private law enforcement
agency); describes the authority of a private law enforcement agency; and establishes due process procedures for taking formal action against a private law enforcement agency, including placing the private law enforcement agency on probation or revoking a private law enforcement agency’s certification |
SB0196 | Law Enforcement Agency Disclosure Amendments | Iwamoto, Jani | Provides immunity for an employing law enforcement agency or training academy providing information to a prospective employer upon request; and provides immunity for information provided by authorized officers of law enforcement agencies to prospective employers or training academies. |
SJR013 | Joint Resolution on Federal and State Roles in Criminal Justice | Bramble, Curtis S. |
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